Our society's values are being corrupted by advertising's insistence on the equation: Youth equals popularity, popularity equals success, success equals happiness. ~John Fisher
I was driving to work this morning and as I am driving I look over and there is an empty field. Well, I say empty. It had grass but it also had about eight signs all the same size placed every thirty feet or so. The interesting thing about this was that everything on all the signs was there to try to help me with all my issues.
There was teeth whitening for a brighter smile, massage for my stressful life, insurance for what could happen but rarely does, cell phones for any emergency, clothing to replace what I already have, weight loss and the ultimate, psychiatry for when the rest of this gets to be too much.
We are continuously bombarded by advertisements. They are on the radio and TV, along the road on your way to work and if you are really lucky you will get a few phone calls throughout your work day that are recorded messages telling you what you need to have a better life.
I have a DVR on my TV so I have learned a trick that will help me skip past all the commercials. If I turn on the TV when I get home and hit the pause button I can go around the house doing all the things I need to take care of after a long day at work and then when I finally sit down I can fast forward through all the commercials and watch any show within 15 minutes.
We often wonder why the children of today are so caught up in how they look to the world. They are bombarded by advertising that tells them how they can correct their issues and the models they see on the covers of magazines have had their flaws airbrushed away.
God didn’t create us to work all our lives to change what we look like. He created us in his image and trying to fix what we think is wrong with us is like saying to God you made a mistake.
Prayer for the Day: Heavenly Father, I see commercials and I often buy into what they are trying to sell. You created me as a one of a kind, so please help me to remember that when I start believing what the advertisements say is wrong with me. You didn’t create me so that I would live my whole life trying to correct a mistake. I am a child of God and there is no mistake in being Your child.