Friday, August 1, 2014

Struggling With Who You Are

Those that God used in the past were just ordinary people with an extraordinary Master. They were not all champions of great faith, but little people who saw their own need, and put their small faith in a great God. Winkie Pratney

Do you struggle with who you are?  If I try to see myself through the world’s eyes, I will never measure up to the world’s expectations.  If I look at myself through God’s eyes, grace and mercy covers me and his picture of me is based on love, not whether I measure up to the world’s standards.

So you look in the mirror when you get up in the morning and what do you see?  Do you see the treasure that God sees?  When I read stories in the Bible about who God chose to do great things; he chose individuals just like me.  He didn’t choose Superman to battle a giant or how about Gideon.  Gideon is one of my favorite people in the Bible because of his lack of bravery.  He is down in the wine press threshing wheat when the Angel of the Lord speaks to him and calls him a mighty man of valor.  If you look at the definition of valor it means boldness or determination in facing great danger; heroic courage and bravery. Just like Gideon, this definition doesn’t come close to describing the person I see in the mirror every day.

My problem is when I look in the mirror I don’t see what God sees because my vision is distorted.  How many times in your life have you had someone tell you that you will never amount to anything in this world, or you don’t live what you write about, or how about I don’t love you anymore?  Every one of these phrases has been spoken to me in my lifetime.  How many of these have you heard from someone in your lifetime? 

The most important thing I can learn is that it is not important who I am on this earth, it is important “whose” I am.  If I understand how much God loves me and cares for me, I will know that there is no greater love than His and as long as I place my faith in Him and abide with Him, I will have all the strength I need.  It is not through my strength that I can do all things, it is by His.  Stop struggling with who you are and remember “Whose” you are.  The following song by Francesca Battistelli describes what we are to God and how much we mean to Him.  

He Knows My Name
Spent today in a conversation
In the mirror face to face with
Somebody less than perfect
I wouldn't choose me first if
I was looking for a champion
In fact I'd understand if
You picked everyone before me
But that's just not my story

True to who You are
You saw my heart
And made something out of nothing, so
I don't need my name in lights
I'm famous in my Father's eyes
Make no mistake
He knows my name
I'm not living for applause
I'm already so adored
It's all His stage
He knows my name

I'm not meant to just stay quiet
I'm meant to be a lion
I'll roar beyond a song
With every moment that I've got

True to who You are
You saw my heart
And made something out of nothing

He calls me chosen
Free, forgiven
Wanted, child of the King
His forever
Held and treasured
I am loved

I don't need my name in lights
I'm famous in my Father's eyes
by Francesca Battistelli

Prayer for the Day: Heavenly Father, too many times I listen to what the world says about me and to me and I believe it.  Help me to look in the mirror and see what You see.  If I place my faith in You I can be a champion for You.  Please take my faith and turn it into something amazing for Your Kingdom.    

Scripture:  And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him, and said to him, “The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor!”

Gideon said to Him, “O my lord, if the Lord is with us, why then has all this happened to us? And where are all His miracles which our fathers told us about, saying, ‘Did not the Lord bring us up from Egypt?’ But now the Lord has forsaken us and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites.”

Then the Lord turned to him and said, “Go in this might of yours, and you shall save Israel from the hand of the Midianites. Have I not sent you?” Judges 6:12-14

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