to Stand Up
Courage is
the indispensable requisite of any true ministry. Courage is good
everywhere, but it is necessary here. If you are afraid of men and a slave to
their opinion, go and do something else. Go and make shoes to fit them. But do not
keep on all your life preaching sermons which shall say not what God sent you
to declare, but what they hire you to say.
Phillips Brooks
Dad told me a story about me several weeks ago that I had never heard. I had
made a comment about how I look back on who I was and how shy I was when I was
young and am amazed that I am like I am today.
It used to make me uncomfortable to converse with people. I never knew quite what to say and I always
thought that whatever I did say wouldn’t be right so I would stand in a crowd
of people racking my brain to come up with something funny or original to talk
about, but I would get so nervous that I wouldn’t say anything. Can I hear a resounding Awwwkward!!!
years have passed and I have since learned how to make conversation and it no
longer intimidates me or feels awkward.
I have spoken at so many events now that I have become comfortable in my
own skin. What I learned over the years
is that when I am passionate about something, I can talk for hours.
back to my story. Dad said he knew that
one day I was going to be a strong person.
When I asked him why he said that; this is the story he told. Dad said when I was around seven and my
brother was four we were outside playing.
My Dad was nearby working in the garden and also watching us from a
distance. One of the neighborhood kids
was playing with us and he said all of a sudden this neighbor kid reached over
and took the toy my brother was holding.
Dad said he stopped what he was doing to see what would happen. He said I walked up to the other kid and
jerked my brother’s toy out of his hand and told him he couldn’t take my
brother’s toy. Here was this skinny
legged little girl taking up for her baby brother.
started laughing. I couldn’t help
it. I could not correlate this person in
the story with who I used to be. It was
like seeing a glimpse of who I would become.
Have you ever stood up for something you know is right and been knocked
down only to get back up and do it again?
That is kind of like what it means to be a Christian. There are a lot of people in this world who
don’t want to hear about who God is or what it means to love Him. Too many people think there are too many
things to do in this world to worry about our future home.
love our Heavenly Father and am not ashamed to admit it. He is my strength and He gives me courage
when I have none. I thank God for the
courage He has given me to stand up for Him on a daily basis.
Prayer for the Day:
Heavenly Father, I pray that you will teach me Your way. I look to You for the courage to stand up for
You and tell everyone You are my Redeemer.
In that long ago story that my Dad told about me, I can see a glimpse of
what You knew I could be. I didn’t stop
and think or hesitate. Too many times as
I have gotten older I start to hesitate because of what the world expects. Help me to step out in faith for You without
hesitation. I love you Father.
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