Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Lionfish  

"Satan doth not tempt God's children because they have sin in them, but because they have grace in them. Had they no grace, the devil would not disturb them... Though to be tempted is a trouble, yet to think why you are tempted is a comfort." 
- Thomas Watson

When I start thinking about what I will write my next devotional on, I will sometimes use something that recently happened to me or something I saw and frequently I will use what I call “repetitive events.”  What that means is that if something either comes to mind several times or if I read or see something more than once I will explore that topic. 

You are now wondering why I am telling you this.  The reason I tell you this is because this is the way that God grabs my attention.  If you pay close attention to events or things in your life that repeat that is often the way that God speaks to me.  Now you are probably asking what does that have to do with lionfish?

This weekend I saw an article about lionfish on the internet.  Then on Sunday I was reading a book and it talked about lionfish.  When this happens I immediately write down the incident.  Mostly I write it down because if I don’t, before I realize it I forget. 

So I did some research on the lionfish.  I will give you a few fast facts about this particular fish.  They have few predators, they are poisonous to humans, they can multiply throughout the year, they will often spread their multiple fins and heard fish into a corner in order to prey on them.  They also blow a puff of water in front of other fish to disorient them. 

The lionfish reminded me of another predator in our lives.  Satan is the worst predator on the planet and we often don’t realize he is there.  Satan has few predators, he is poisonous to humans and he can disorient us from our purpose in life.  He is also invasive and he can sometimes disorient us and make us take our eyes off of God.  He can consume our lives without us realizing it and he can make things of this world look very attractive.  He draws us in and before we know it we are caught in his net.  I think about Satan this way.  If Jesus could be tempted and he was perfect in every way, how much more will we be affected by Satan as sinners. 

Prayer for the Day: Heavenly Father, as I thought about the characteristics of the lionfish, it reminded me of how Satan’s characteristics are similar.  If we are distracted we can be drawn into Satan’s trap.  This reminds me to keep my eyes solely on You.  Give me the strength to withstand anything Satan throws my way.  

Scripture: "All this I will give you," he said, "if you will bow down and worship me." Jesus said to him, "Away from me, Satan!  For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only." Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him. Matthew 4:9-11

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